Paintings by Ray Piscopo
Piscopo is interested in motion, movement, colour, vibrancy and order. In his life he expresses himself by creating order and rationality in his world. Having studied engineering as a profession, the discipline that it has imparted on his abstract and contemporary art has moulded his outlook on life in a linear and regimented structure.
His experience has been a series of events in pigeon holes or compartments, so he seeks to break established rules and boundaries in his work by being non-conformist. Total adherence to entrenched ideas only creates clinical art. His works are bold excursions into the unknown.
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Acquire Paintings in Malta, Europe and US
Paintings are creative expressions of an artist which in various forms have been alluring the art lovers since centuries. Piscopo Art Gallery is a virtual paintings museum showcasing the most beautiful artworks or paintings of artist Ray Piscopo, a Maltese artist who during his lifetime has created several eye-catching abstract paintings and contemporary art.
His abstract paintings are some of the most cherished Piscopo artwork paintings that can be found at Piscopo's gallery in Malta. The online Ray Piscopo gallery reveals to you the best of the Ray Piscopo drawings including oil paintings, acrylics on canvas, poster oils on paper, and oil on canvas paintings by Ray Piscopo. Because of their unique identity, and fame of these paintings these have been shown in exhibitions in Malta, Italy, Austria and the United States.
For those looking to buy Ray Piscopo paintings, they can find these at the Ray Piscopo gallery which has some extraordinary collections of expressionistic paintings, movie posters, and figurative paintings. For more details about the paintings and drawings, please explore the website.
Exhibitions by Ray Piscopo
These are a few of the latest art exhibitions in Malta by Ray Piscopo. View all the videos here, and experience each and every Malta painting exhibition yourself.
Exhibition Of Paintings With A Social Theme
Video clip was shown on TVM news on the 12th November 2018. Credit: PBS/TVM and Tony Dimech for the coverage.
Video clip was shown on TVM news.
Credit: PBS/TVM and Tony Dimech for the coverage.
Beyond The Body, The Soul...
Video clip was shown on TVM news.
Credit: PBS/TVM and Tony Dimech for the coverage.
The Reasoning of the Imagination
Video clip was shown on TVM news.
Credit: PBS/TVM and Tony Dimech for the coverage.
Modern Paintings 2020
Here is a series of recent paintings completed by Ray Piscopo.
Latest News
July 17th 2019: This certifies my selection and participation in the "MILAN BIENNIALE" presented by Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi, which opens Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 17:00 at Brera Site, Milan.
The exhibition will have the support of Roberto Villa, internationally renowned photographer, Luigi Gattinara, Director of Photography,, Carlo Motta, Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori, Francesco Alberoni, sociologist and writer, Maria Lorena Franchi, art curator Montecarlo, Salvo Nugnes, curator of exhibitions and major events, etc.